zamya theater project’s statement on nea grant restrictions

Dear Community, 

I’m writing to join the chorus of artists responding to the recent guideline requirements released by the National Endowment for the Arts. 

zAmya Theater Project has a practice of welcoming people where they’re at. We work very hard to notice our judgements and release them from impacting others. Therefore, I want to be clear that I do not wish to judge anyone for how they are deciding to respond to this. 

The revolution will not be funded. We know this. And yet we, as artists living with and through capitalism, have had to discern how we will engage with the system that perpetuates inequities created from land theft, slavery and other ungodly acts. As such, we are often in the position of negotiating around our values in order to access funds which we hope will support a greater good. 

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion are amongst our highest values. This is why we do the work we do. We cannot and will not sign an agreement that we will not engage in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion practices. We also will not abide by this anti-trans executive order which directly dehumanizes and harms members of our community. 

zAmya will not be applying to the NEA this year and we will not sign an agreement if we are awarded our application being vetted for this year. 

In Solidarity,
Maren Ward
Executive Artistic Director
zAmya Theater Project