zAmya Theater Project uses the powerful combination of lived experience(s) and

artistic expression to inspire our communities to work for housing justice for all.


zAmya Theater envisions empowered and interconnected communities that stop staring, start seeing, and change

the systems that dehumanize us.

Social Justice Oriented

zAmya believes that theater can change the narrative of homelessness. Our performances grow from stories lived by participants and crafted by our core artistic members. We share them because we know that if we want to unravel the crisis, then we have to unravel the story.

Authentic Creative Advocacy

zAmya is led by professional artists, and employs a group of actors who’ve experienced homelessness to create the plays, co-facilitate workshops, and guide the direction of the company.


Since 2004 the zAmya Theater Project has been changing hearts and minds through performances and workshops in hundreds of Minnesota locations including: The Guthrie Theater, Edina Realty, Salvation Army, Thrivent Financial, Minnesota Coalition for the Homeless Annual Conference, Basilica of St. Mary, and Augsburg College.


Who We Are

Senior Troupe Members

MARVIN HOWARD was born and raised in Chicago. He started doing Stand Up Comedy in 1992. The person who gave him his start was Bernie Mac. In1996 Marvin became a member of an improv troupe called Comedy Sportz. Also in 1996 he became part of a sketch comedy troupe known as Oui be Negros. He has performed his own stand-up routines professionally in Chicago and the Twin Cities. He’s been a member of the zAmya Theater Troupe since 2008.

CAROLINE MANNHEIMER has been with zAmya since 2009. She studied Illustration and Fine Art at The School of Visual Arts in Manhattan and has a BA in Anthropology with a minor in songwriting from The New School For Social Research. She wrote her first

CAROLINE MANNHEIMER has been with zAmya since 2009. She studied Illustration and Fine Art at The School of Visual Arts in Manhattan and has a BA in Anthropology with a minor in songwriting from The New School For Social Research. She wrote her first song in the 4th Grade, when she began playing guitar, but soon switched to the electric bass and started her own all-girl band, Killer Victoria.

GREG TROMICZAK I have been in theater for 20 years and with zAmya for the past ten years. I love theatre, magic, music, dance, drama, comedy and anyway I can get the word out about trying to end homelessness.

COREY A. WALTON is an Illinois native who’s been acting on stage and in films for 36 years. He has written or co-written three full-length plays and three 10-minute plays that were produced by either zAmya Theater, Bedlam Theater, or the Minneapolis Fringe Festival. He has appeared in several independent films including ‘Ghost From the Machine produced by Hogdad Films. He also serves in a spoken word ministry at his church in Bloomington, MN. He has been with zAmya 12 years.

Core Troupe Members

MARCIA BARNES is always pursuing her lifelong love of the arts, particularly the performing arts. She has participated in artistic endeavors beginning at a young age. In addition, she has over 25+ years of group facilitation experience. My work as a facilitator has included Domestic Violence, Conflict Management Systems and Life Skills.


ANNETTE BRYANT is a mother of six and Granna of eleven. This is her third zAmya production. She appeared in Stories from the Book of Harbor Light and Second Chance. She is a Transformational Healing Coach & Consultant, an artist, a healer, a writer, an author & co-author, a poet, inspirational, a traveler and a lover of life. She and her family have experienced homeless because of choices she made in life and because of health.


SOL MORÁN My name is Sol Morán, born in Puerto Rico. As an artist since childhood, I enjoy creating, singing, happy noise making, dancing, writing and performing. I began my career as an actress with Teatro del Pueblo, who opened its doors to me several years ago. I have performed with the magnificent Karios Alive Duo, Parker Genne, and her amazing mother Maria Genne.. Now I am honored and fortunate to be a part of the zAmya Theater Project. I have also worked as a missionary, DJ, Photographer and natural healer…by choice…just because!

STAYCI BELL is a Mother, Daughter, Grandmother, Performer, Artist, Farmer/Grower, and Writer.


SHANNON KEMP has been performing and making set pieces with zAmya for nearly two years. Her background is primarily in visual arts, but she believes in what zAmya represents. Her art has always shown a dark and macabre side, so to be able to be a part of this type of project is so incredibly different and she is  so proud of all it represents. 


TAHITI MARIE ROBINSON hails from Chicago. I was in every play and always played a comedy  part and I wanted to play serious. My first show with zAmya was “The Reality Road Show”. I have ballet, tap and acrobatics training and was with a group called “Diversity Alive”. I love drama and working with people and I love solving difficult problems.

GERALD MICHAEL BLACKBIRD was born and raised with his three brothers on Wind River Reservation in Riverton, Wyoming. He also lived in nearby Thermopolis. Gerry’s childhood was difficult as others often considered his family “less than”. He eventually joined a carnival and learned about some of the wonders of life. Despite drug use and some bad relationships, Gerry is thankful he found his way to God. Although he sometimes questions himself, Gerry now has a better understanding of what it is to be a human being. While living on the streets, Gerry came across a zAmya workshop and is now a Troupe Member!


LURCH I am a troupe member of zAmya for four years. I love the idea that I get to tell the stories of those who are not heard. I live by wise words and my favorite wise words are “hope for the best, expect the worst and anything in between is wonderful.”

ROBERT BLOOD was born in Minneapolis and has been attending zAmya since February 2018 at the Minneapolis Central Library.  Robert performed as a Council of Second Chances member in that year’s production of Second Chance. He  joined the troupe and was performer and assistant Stage Manager for Stories from the Book of Harbor Light. He played Dave in A Prairie Homeless Companion. Robert sits on the zAmya Advisory Board and  is also a published poet.


KEN MOORE joined the Troupe in February 2022 and is a published writer. Despite living with Tourettes, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD), and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), he believes in a future and is willing to go after his dreams and hopes with a faith that few dare to follow. His journey through adoption, foster care, treatment centers, residential care, hospitals, group homes and eventually into independence is a testimony that one should never doubt the power of the human spirit.


Maren Ward, Artistic Director

MAREN WARD is a Twin Cities performer, director and community-based theater maker - named Best Theater Performer of 2018 in MN Monthly Magazine. Maren has been zAmya’s creative director since it started in 2004. She has been awarded a McKnight Theater Artist Fellowship (2007) and has attended the Cornerstone Institute for Community Based Theater and the Sojourn Theater/Center for Performance and Civic Practice Institute.

Email: Maren [at] zamyatheater [dot] org


Esther Ouray, Company Manager

ESTHER OURAY has collaborated as a teaching and performing artist for over 40 years with numerous local, regional, and international performance companies. As a teaching artist she has led residencies in schools, communities, and arts organizations. Esther was a company member of At the Foot of the Mountain Theater for many years, as well as a Core Artist with In the Heart of the Beast Puppet and Mask Theater. She has been the recipient of arts grants from the Minnesota State Arts Board, Jerome Foundation, Rimon, Metropolitan Regional Arts Council, Puffin Foundation, and Arts on Chicago. Additionally, Esther was the organizer of ‘A Day in the Life’ at St. Stephen’s Human Services, a program that engaged the community at large in learning about homelessness. Holding a broad range of interests, Esther is engaged in a lifelong study of how to apply wellness and creativity towards building a supportive community. 

Email: Esther [at] zamyatheater [dot] org

Deb Ervin, Operations Manager

DEB ERVIN holds an M.A. in Arts and Cultural Management from Saint Mary’s University, and a B.A. from the University of Minnesota where she majored in theater. She’s had the pleasure of working with many of the cultural gems in the Twin Cities, including serving as Interim Development Director for The Cedar Cultural Center, as Events Manager for the Midtown Global Market, and as Associate Director for In the Heart of the Beast Puppetry and Mask Theatre, and more. Deb also has two decades of experience as a stage manager for live music, theater, and dance.

Email: Deb [at] zamyatheater [dot] org


Katie Clower, Administrative Coordinator

KATIE CLOWER has spent the majority of her career as an outdoor educator, youth leader, and natural resources facilitator. Locally she has worked with the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Friends of the Mississippi River, and the Conservation Corps Minnesota and Iowa. Her overarching passion is supporting inner change (her own and others') in service of systems change and social justice. She has a background in theater, dance and improvisation, and is proud to be supporting zAmya Theater Project.

Email: Katie [at] zamyatheater [dot] org

zAmya Board of Directors

Amber Andrist

Amber is married to their best friend and they have two beautiful children and two cats. Amber works in housing stability at Hennepin County and is pursuing a certificate in affordable housing from Hamline University.


Andi Cheney, Treasurer

Andi Cheney leaps from performing to administrating in a single bound. Versed in Theatre of the Oppressed, clowning, bookkeeping, mask, burlesque, budgeting, and production management, Andi freelances with a variety of independent artists and small theatres. Andi is currently the Manager of Operations and Human Resources at HECUA, and previously served as Associate Director for Patrick’s Cabaret, Managing Director for Bedlam Theatre, and as one of the Minnesota Theatre Alliance’s Emerging Performing Arts Leader Fellows for the Performing Arts Human Resources Toolkit Series. Andi particularly enjoys working with emerging arts and cultural organizations with a passion for best practices, financial transparency, and racial equity.


Cathy Heying, Co-Board Chair

Cathy is the Founder and current Executive Director of The Lift Garage, a nonprofit auto repair shop that provides low cost car repair for low income Minnesotans. Born and raised in a town of 800 people in NE Iowa, Cathy has lived in Minneapolis since 1997 where she has worked in a variety of church and social service fields. Holding a BA in Social Work from Loras College in Dubuque, IA and an MA in Pastoral Ministry from St. Mary’s University in Winona, MN, Cathy returned to Dunwoody College in 2008 to receive an AS degree in Auto Technology with a vision of starting a garage to provide affordable car repair to people in need. The Lift Garage has been open since 2013. In 2015 Cathy was named both a CNN Hero and also the Irwin Tools Tradesperson of the Year. 

Robert Blood, Co-Vice Chair and Troupe Member

Robert was born in Minneapolis and has been attending zAmya since February 2018 at the Minneapolis Central Library. Robert performed as a Council of Second Chances member in that year’s production of Second Chance. He joined the troupe and was performer and assistant Stage Manager for Stories from the Book of Harbor Light. He played Dave in A Prairie Homeless Companion. Robert sits on the zAmya Advisory Board and is also a published poet.


Lecia Grossman, Partnership Chair

Lecia Grossman is most engaged in life when creating and learning. So, it is no surprise that the creation of zAmya is her most proud contribution to the world. Lecia takes her creativity and passion into her consultancy and executive coaching practice, WorkDeep, helping leaders be more authentic, engaging and inspirational. She has a background in numerous facilitation and dialogue methods and is known for boundless energy and passion. She is a collaborator that sees possibility in everything and everyone, and lives by the mantra, “What would make it fun?”


Alexis Kramer

Alexis Kramer is a single mom of two boys, ages 5 and 7. She is a person with lived expertise of being harmed by the system and housing instability. Alexis works with SHIP Collaborative, Stable Housing is the Priority, a group of 13 members working to end homelessness. Her dream is to become a child protection attorney for parents who are low income. Alexis also serves on many other boards transforming the child welfare system, and spends much of her time learning about related policy and law. She also loves listening to music and writes her own music.

Annette Bryant, Co-Vice Chair and Troupe Member

Annette is a mother of six and Granna of eleven. This is her third zAmya production. She appeared in Stories from the Book of Harbor Light and Second Chance. She is a Transformational Healing Coach & Consultant, an artist, a healer, a writer, an author & co-author, a poet, inspirational, a traveler and a lover of life. She and her family have experienced homeless because of choices she made in life and because of health.


Ashley Halvorson

Ashley Halvorson is a seasoned HR professional with over a decade of experience driving employee engagement and organizational success across the US and globally. With a strong educational foundation in Psychology (B.A.) and Human Resources (M.A.) from the University of Minnesota, Ashley has built a reputation for her strategic approach to talent development and organizational design. As a proud mother of two daughters, she is committed to empowering the next generation of leaders and creating a positive impact in her community. In her free time, Ashley enjoys exploring the outdoors with her husband, watching her girls play soccer, and she cherishes moments spent on the lake.


Dickie Olson

Dickie is a known Minneapolis booster, serving and advocating for the downtown community since 2017. Dedicated to ensuring open access to public space for all, he became involved with advocacy in 2018 serving as an outreach specialist assisting homeless and vulnerable individuals downtown. He earned a bachelor’s degree from Augsburg University for urban planning in 2018. He currently works as a Resident Advocate for Avivo.