Minnesota Coalition for the Homeless
MCH works with people experiencing homelessness and housing instability along with over 100 member organizations across Minnesota. The mission of the Minnesota Coalition for the Homeless is to generate policies, community support and local resources for housing and services to end homelessness in Minnesota.
Inquilinnxs Unidas por Justicia / United renters for Justice
Renters For Justice/Inquilinxs Unidxs por Justicia (IX) works for permanently affordable democratic housing and structural changes: tenant unions, rent stabilization, stronger enforcement of renter protections, and community owned housing. The four pillars that make our organization are Community, Justice, Transformation and Struggling Together.
Minneapolis United for Rent Control
Join Minneapolis United for Rent Control as we continue to grow and organize the movement to fight for the strongest possible rent control: tied to cost of living (around 3%), universally applied without developer-friendly loopholes or exemptions.
Avivo is HERE. We work to end Homelessness. We provide Education and training. We support Recovery and mental health. We prepare people for Employment and success.
Build a better tomorrow through affordable housing and educational, spiritual, and social opportunities. At Beacon Housing, we believe we are called to assist, with compassion and care, those who are vulnerable to homelessness to rebuild their lives in peace and stability.
Voices of Change (SVoC) is a group of individuals who have current or past personal experiences with homelessness who come together to build community and make positive changes in the lives of people experiencing homelessness and the systems that contribute to and keep people in homelessness.